

Net+Catalog provides everything a business needs for a full featured ecommerce site for a fraction of what it would cost to set up comparable features independently.

© 1997-2002
Inc. All rights

H o w   I t    W o r k s

Net+Catalog is a "server based" service that enables anyone to accept secure credit card orders over the Internet.

The service consists of  four components. For a quick overview of Net+Catalog visit the Overview Page.

The Four Components of Net+Catalog:

  1. Product Pages. Simple HTML forms that reside within your website and invoke the Net+Catalog service.
  2. Shopping Cart. Holds the products selected by your customer.
  3. Merchant Administrative System.   Used  to retrieve orders, customize your Shopping Cart, view a detailed online tutorial, and automatically generate "Product Pages".
  4. CyberCash Merchant Server.   Optional service used to accept and authorize "live" Visa and MasterCard transactions.
Product Pages

Product Pages are HTML documents that describe your product to a potential customer.  These pages are created by you and saved in your website.  They contain a detailed description and picture of your product, and an HTML Form that is used to invoke the Net+Catalog service. From the Product Page, your customer can select the product and place it into your Net+Catalog "Shopping Cart".

Since Product Pages are simple HTML documents, you can create them using any HTML editor or word processor.  We've simplified the process by providing you with a Form Wizard that automatically generates the HTML Form Syntax you need to invoke the Net+Catalog Service.


Shopping Cart

As products are selected from your Product Pages, they are displayed to the customer in the Merchants customized Net+Catalog "Shopping Cart".  This sophisticated Shopping Cart automatically calculates all totals, tax and shipping, and provides customers with the ability to:

  1. View items in the cart
  2. Remove individual items from the cart
  3. Remove all items from the cart
  4. Return to the Merchants product or home page
  5. Send email directly to the Merchant
  6. Change the quantity of any item in the cart
  7. View detailed info for any item in the cart
  8. Leave and return to the cart within 24 hours
  9. Checkout

When checking out, the customer is presented with the ability to:

  1. Select a shipping method
  2. Specify shipping address
  3. Specify billing address if different than shipping
  4. Select payment method
  5. Display order detail including shipping and tax before submitting order
  6. Make changes to any order prior to submitting the order

Once the order is submitted:

  1. The customer receives a unique order number and onscreen receipt that may be printed and saved for reference.
  2. The customer receives information that can be used to contact the Merchant if they have questions.
  3. The Merchant receives email notification that a new order was placed.


Merchant Administrative System

The Merchant Administrative System is the main interface Merchants use to retrieve orders and to customize their Net+Catalog "Shopping Cart"

As orders are received, you are notified via email and directed to the secure Net+Catalog domain where the order can be retrieved.  To access the Merchant Admin System, you supply your unique username and password and are then presented with a series of administrative screens --including a detailed online tutorial.